Friday, April 24, 2009

To Beat Your Opponent Know Your Opponent-Defeating The DEA

This article supports a few things. First, pleased to announce that we have launched a new page on Medical Marijuana Society that kicks off a new project. Operation Out DEA...the concept of this operation is simple. The DEA cannot continue busting our Medical Marijuana dispensaries without our help, albeit unintentionally. DEA agents scope out and do undercover investigations of these Medical Marijuana facilities, including sending their OWN PEOPLE into the store. This means store owners need to have doors to buzz customers into the main area...inconvenient, but an extra layer of security.

My thinking...two doors. The first door brings you into a reception area (anyone can enter) where there is NOTHING TO SEE. There the customer must show PROPER ID, and sign a FULL DISCLOSURE FORM that says they are not working for Law Enforcement, or NOT LAW ENFORCEMENT, and are not undercover snitches. If they refuse to sign the paper, and your surveillance camera records that fact, you ask them to LEAVE the premises (make sure to tell them they are NOT ALLOWED BACK so that you can have them arrested if they try to return at a later time to do their surveillance...just call the cops, show them the video), they are NOT given access to the inner sanctum. If they sign paper and then bust you later, they used entrapment I would surmise.

Visit Operation Out the DEA web page.

Next, it is recommended that ALL Medical Marijuana facilities invest in outside surveillance this fashion, you can A) Keep an eye out for suspicious behavior, B) notice perhaps that the DEA has you under surveillance. You could then have an activist team you call to immediately show up and surround said DEA agents vehicle asking for ID...also, have this team start taking photographs of the DEA...we will post these pictures on our Operation Out DEA page. I am talking peaceful CONFRONTATION HERE, talking about taking the DEA out of the shadows, they loose their ability to conduct UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATIONS.

Lastly, educate yourselves about your opposition, know how they operate. To help you with that, here is the link to download the 2002 DEA Operations has not changed that much in the past seven years. DOWNLOAD HERE.

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